Alte Hände beruhigend übereinandergelegt (Titelbild)

Aging & society


The increasing number of older people will have a lasting impact on our society: Challenges arise from a growing imbalance between working and retired people, a changing spectrum of illnesses and, closely linked to this, an increasing need for nursing care. Older people are also confronted with rapid innovation processes that have a massive impact on their familiar lives. At the same time, the increasing number of older people offers opportunities. Be it as experts in the world of work, as bringers of experience and serenity, or as socially engaged individuals. We are investigating the effects of demographic ageing on society as a cross-cutting topic at the IAT. This includes both the individual opportunities and challenges of an ageing society as well as solutions to problems, e.g. how demographic change can be shaped in a social and economic context. Innovative products and services can enable people to live independently in old age and offer development opportunities for the economy and society. In this social field of tension, we examine adaptation mechanisms and highlight design options.

Projects on the topic

Senior Citizens Promotion Plan Oberhausen

Socio-demographic change will noticeably alter Oberhausen's urban society: it is getting older, fewer and more colorful. This is accompanied by a variety of challenges for municipal senior citizens' policy, which require strategic management and further development of existing approaches. In addition, in view of limited financial resources, the feasibility and expected impact of political measures must be considered in order to noticeably improve the quality of life of local senior citizens.

Further projects on the topic