Advisory board
Members of the advisory board
- Prof. Dr. Michael Brodmann, Vice President for Research and Transfer at the Westphalian University of Gelschenkirchen Bocholt Recklinghausen, director of the Westphalian Energy Institute
- Prof. Dr. Rainer Danielzyk, professor of spatial planning and regional development Leibniz Universität Hannover, General Secretary and Head of the Academy for Spatial Development in the Leibniz Community (ARL), Hanover
- Prof. Dr. Ricarda Kampmann, Department of Economics, Westphalian University Gelsenkirchen Bocholt Recklinghausen
- Jörg Kemna, authorized representative and head of structural policy & funding as well as growth markets of the Business Metropole Ruhr GmbH
- Dr. Uwe Kremer, Managing Director Medecon Ruhr GmbH and e.v.
- Thorsten Menne, Head of Group 32 for research funding and research policy, Ministry of Culture and Science NRW
- Dr. Georg Mildenberger, Head of Research Center for Social Investments and Innovations, CSI
- Dominik Schad, district director and social director Recklinghausen
- Dr. Anita Tisch, head of the research group "Change of Labor", Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Occupational Medicine, Baua
- Dr. Peter Troxler, Applied research professor Revolution in Manufacturing of the Rotterdam University of Applied Science
- Prof. Dr. Horst Christian Vollmar, head of the general medicine department, Ruhr University Bochum, RUB
- Dr. Dorothea Voss, Member of scientific staff Precarization, Regulation, Job quality of the Institute for Work, Skills and Training at the University of Duisburg-Essen
- Prof. Dr. Ursula Walkenhorst, specialist area management at the Institute for Health Research and Education (IGB) of the University of Osnabrück
- Dr. Jörg Weingarten, head of the industrial and structural policy department, digitization DGB NRW
- Mayor Karin Welge, city of Gelsenkirchen
- Prof. Dr. Hans-Martin Zademach, Professorship of Economic Geography, Catholic University of Eichstätt