Bild zeigt einen Teil der Zeche Zollverein Essen


Current projects

Grafik, die die teilnehmenden Standorte und Themen des Projektes darstellt

Engaging entrepreneurial ecosystems for the youth

The Ecosys4you project is funded by the European Commission under the Horizon programme. The project partnership is committed to improve the flow of innovation resources between entrepreneurial ecosystems of the regions Ruhr in Germany, Varna in Bulgaria, and Maribor in Slovenia. It develops an entrepreneurial education programme by establishing innovative interlinkages between the actors of the entrepreneurial ecosystems.

Teaser Logo ETAP ©

Evaluation of partially automated care processes in long-term care using the example of AI-based movement monitoring

Under the leadership of the IAT, an interdisciplinary consortium from the social sciences, nursing sciences, health economics and medical informatics is investigating, in cooperation with practical institutions of outpatient and inpatient long-term care, ...

Teaserbild Change © Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

Strengthening Societal Innovative Capacity

The project »GIs – Strengthening Societal Innovation Capacities« analyses societal innovation capacities in less developed regions. It aims at developing explanations and models to understand the generation of innovations that promote a successful regional transformation. Furthermore, the project develops instruments and measurement approaches for an innovation policy that integrates and promotes societal innovation capacities.

Teaserbild Menschliche Hand greift Hand aus einem Laptop © Bild von kiquebg auf Pixabay

Development of an indicator system for measuring regional socio-ecological transformation

Over the last decade, a variety of alternative measurement concepts have emerged to capture social and economic development. They differ from the conventional welfare and economic indicators and their focus on the gross domestic product as an indicator of national or regional prosperity and refer to sustainable development, ...

Teaserbild Energiewende © Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay

Industrial Symbioses in the Ruhr Area: Emergence & potentials of the concept for the transformation of regions in change

The concept of industrial symbiosis describes the cross-company exchange of industrial by-products such as waste heat, wastewater or production residues in geographical proximity. ...

List of all current projects