Das Bild zeigt Industrieruinen im Landschaftspark Duisburg


Health and Quality of Life

The main target of our work is to strengthen the performance and innovation capacity of the health and healthcare industry. Quality of life, employment and growth should to be increased by improved and new services and products. We contribute by analyzing social, technical and economic development trends and work out promising opportunities for innovation. In addition, we participate part in the development and testing of new solutions by supporting innovation partnerships and evaluating the results of innovation processes.

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Markets, Industries & Value Chains

The main target of our work is to strengthen the performance and innovation capacity of the health and healthcare industry. Quality of life, employment and growth should to be increased by improved and new services and products. We contribute by analyzing social, technical and economic development trends and work out promising opportunities for innovation. In addition, we participate part in the development and testing of new solutions by supporting innovation partnerships and evaluating the results of innovation processes.

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Area, region, city and district

A spatial perspective is the starting point for many ongoing projects at the Institute for Work and Technology.  Functional and social spaces provide the analytical framework for the analysis of actor constellations, networks and clusters, as well as of spatial perceptions  and cultures, which cannot be found in politically or administratively defined regions. In projects dealing with structural change, regional and urban development it is all about strategic orientation and the question of how to improve quality of life. In projects concerning local economy and civil engagement it is examined how to activate the resources of a neighbourhood, to prevent circuits of crisis and to enable participation.

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Social, Organisational and Technological Innovation

Innovation research at the IAT analyses innovations in distinct sectors and spatial contexts. Following a broad understanding of innovation, subject of research are social, organisation as well as technological innovations, which are frequently also integral part of all innovation processes. The spectrum of methods applied ranges from secondary data analysis, for example, in form of patent analysis, to process-oriented, quantitative and qualitative survey (e.g. Innovation Biographies). Innovation stakeholders, networks and innovation systems, drivers and barriers of innovation (diffusion) processes, the role of sectorial and spatial contexts are of central interest, just as governance structures and new business models.

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Future of Work

Work and economic research deal with the question of whether and how working environments change in their structures, processes and relationships. This includes the impact of new technologies but also the interplay/interaction of qualification and organization of work. With our experience and fields of expertise, we contribute to this on a methodologically sound basis by deepening and, if necessary, correcting insights and solutions. The main focus of our work lies on the question how to design work, qualification, organization and technology in a way that profits the quality of life and the economy, including attractive and adequate jobs.

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