All publications in English
Here you see our publications in English. For a result list of all publications click hereYear | Title / Citation | Document type | Links / Downloads |
1997 | 1997: Privacy and acting in groups - key concepts in designing multimedia-supported cooperative workCitation: Dutke, S. & Paul, H. (1997): Privacy and acting in groups - key concepts in designing multimedia-supported cooperative work. In Salvendy, G., Smith, M. J. & Koubek, R. J. (eds.), Design of computing systems: proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International '97), San Francisco, California, USA. Vol. 1: Cognitive considerations (281-284). Amsterdam: Elsevier. | Document type: Article in | Links / Downloads: |
1997 | 1997: Women in German manufacturing industry - the impact of work organisation and technology developmentCitation: Beer, D. & Hamburg, I. (1997): Women in German manufacturing industry - the impact of work organisation and technology development. , 7-26. Gelsenkirchen: Institut Arbeit und Technik. | Document type: Report | Links / Downloads: |
1997 | 1997: Working towards the integration of women: new forms of work and the use of new information and communication technologies in productionCitation: Adam, A., Brödner, P., Green, E., Hamburg, I., Kuark, J. & Tijedens, K. (1997): Working towards the integration of women: new forms of work and the use of new information and communication technologies in production. In Grundy, A. F., Köhler, V., Oechtering, U. & Petersen, V. U. (eds.), Women, work and computerization: spinning a web from past to future; proceedings of the 6th International IFIP-Conference, Bonn, Germany, may 24-27, 1997 (475-476). Berlin: Springer. | Document type: Article in | Links / Downloads: |
1996 | 1996: Competition and competitiveness: an alternative approachCitation: Lehner, F. (1996): Competition and competitiveness: an alternative approach. Graue Reihe des Instituts Arbeit und Technik (1996-01). Gelsenkirchen: Institut Arbeit und Technik. | Document type: Report | Links / Downloads: |
1996 | 1996: Software systems for supporting cooperative work in the first phases of integrated product developmentCitation: Hamburg, I. (1996): Software systems for supporting cooperative work in the first phases of integrated product development. In University of Craiova, automation, computers & process informatics, Sintes 8: International Symposium on Systems Theory, Robotics, Computers and Process Informatics (87-92). Craiova. | Document type: Article in | Links / Downloads: |
1996 | 1996: The role of knowledge-based and soft computing methods in supporting decisions and cooperative engineering design workCitation: Hamburg, I. (1996): The role of knowledge-based and soft computing methods in supporting decisions and cooperative engineering design work. In Lee, J. K., Liebowitz, J. & Chae, Y. M. (eds.), Critical technology: proceedings of the 3rd World Congress on Expert Systems (41-48). New York: Cognizant Communication Corp. | Document type: Article in | Links / Downloads: |
1996 | 1996: Typology of partnerships in the European research and innovation system: main reportCitation: von Bandemer, S., Kalff, P., Suàrez, M. A., Tellechea, J. F. & Watson, J. P. (1996): Typology of partnerships in the European research and innovation system: main report. Brussels: European Commission, Directorate General XII, Science, Research and Developments. | Document type: Book (monograph) | Links / Downloads: |
1996 | 1996: Using fuzzy logic for the modelling of product design and manufactureCitation: Hamburg, I. (1996): Using fuzzy logic for the modelling of product design and manufacture. In Felix, R. (ed.), EFDAN '96 - European workshop on fuzzy decision analysis for management, planning and optimization; may 21-22, 1996, Dortmund, Germany (79-84). Dortmund. | Document type: Article in | Links / Downloads: |
1996 | 1996: Women's skills within new forms of production systems and modern technologiesCitation: Böhne, J., Hamburg, I. & Shordone, F. (1996): Women's skills within new forms of production systems and modern technologies. In Koubek, R. J. & Karwowski, W. (eds.), Manufacturing agility and hybrid automation - I: proceedings of the 5th international conference on human aspects of advanced manufacturing agility and hybrid automation; Maui, Hawaii, USA, August 1996 (233-236). Louisville, KY: IEA Press. | Document type: Article in | Links / Downloads: |
1995 | 1995: Computer support of communication in engineering design work using knowledge-based and soft methodsCitation: Hamburg, I. (1995): Computer support of communication in engineering design work using knowledge-based and soft methods. In Pahl, P. J. & Werner, H. (eds.), Computing in civil and building engineering: proceedings of the 6th international conference on computing in civil and building engineering, Berlin, Germany, 12-15 july 1995 (401-406). Rotterdam: Balkema. | Document type: Article in | Links / Downloads: |
1995 | 1995: Disintegration and reintegration of production clusters in the Ruhr areaCitation: Rehfeld, D. (1995): Disintegration and reintegration of production clusters in the Ruhr area. In Cooke, P. (ed.), The rise of the rustbelt (85-102). London: UCL Press. | Document type: Article in | Links / Downloads: |
1995 | 1995: Improving cooperative engineering design work through soft computing methodsCitation: Hamburg, I. (1995): Improving cooperative engineering design work through soft computing methods. In Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., Fachausschuß 1.2 'Inferenzsysteme': Fuzzy-Neuro-Systeme '95: Theorie und Anwendungen: Tagungsband zum 3. Workshop, 15.-17. November 1995 (139-146). Bonn. | Document type: Article in | Links / Downloads: |
1995 | 1995: Neural networks and their technical applicationsCitation: Hamburg, I. (1995): Neural networks and their technical applications. In CNMU '95, conferinta nationala de masini-unelte cu participare internationala (50-56). Bucharest: Editura Tehnica. | Document type: Article in | Links / Downloads: |
1995 | 1995: The environmental technology industry in the Ruhr area: impressions from a success storyCitation: Nordhause-Janz, J. & Rehfeld, D. (1995): The environmental technology industry in the Ruhr area: impressions from a success story. In International Institute for Applied Systems: Rhine: black triangle policy competition workshop, march 2-3, 1995; workshop report (1-7). Laxenburg: IIASA. | Document type: Article in | Links / Downloads: |
1994 | 1994: Computer support for engineering design tasks through skill-oriented technologiesCitation: Groeger, B. & Hamburg, I. (1994): Computer support for engineering design tasks through skill-oriented technologies. In Kidd, P. T. & Karwowski, W. (eds.), Advances in agile manufacturing: integrating technology, organization and people (461-464). Amsterdam: IOS-Press. | Document type: Article in | Links / Downloads: |
1994 | 1994: Development of interactive computer aided engineering design systemsCitation: Hamburg, I. (1994): Development of interactive computer aided engineering design systems. In CNMU '94: conferinta nationala de masini-unelte cu participare internationala, 20-21 mai 1994 (34-39). Bucharest: Editura Tehnica. | Document type: Article in | Links / Downloads: |
1994 | 1994: Interactive mechanical engineering design using knowledge based techniques and fuzzy methodsCitation: Hamburg, I. (1994): Interactive mechanical engineering design using knowledge based techniques and fuzzy methods. In Liebowitz, J. (ed.), (1308-1311). New York: Cognizant Communication Corp. | Document type: Article in | Links / Downloads: |
1994 | 1994: Support methods for group decision-making under uncertaintyCitation: Hamburg, I. (1994): Support methods for group decision-making under uncertainty. In Sharpe, J. & Oh, V. (eds.), Computer aided conceptual design: proceedings of the 1994 Lancaster international workshop on engineering design CACD '94, 11th - 13th april 1994 (47-57). Lancaster: Engineering Design Centre, Lancaster Univ. | Document type: Article in | Links / Downloads: |
1994 | 1994: The potential of fuzzy logic methods to support multicriteria group decision-making in the engineering design processCitation: Hamburg, I. (1994): The potential of fuzzy logic methods to support multicriteria group decision-making in the engineering design process. In IPMU - Fifth international conference on information processing and management of uncertainty in knowledge-based systems (633-637 ). Paris: Cité Internat. Univ. | Document type: Article in | Links / Downloads: |
1993 | 1993: Fuzzy logic, a user friendly technology for the management of uncertain knowledge in engineering design processCitation: Hamburg, I. (1993): Fuzzy logic, a user friendly technology for the management of uncertain knowledge in engineering design process. In Bandemer, H. (ed.), Modelling uncertain data (153-157). Berlin: Akad.-Verl. | Document type: Article in | Links / Downloads: |
1993 | 1993: The future for SMEsCitation: von Bandemer, S. (1993): The future for SMEs. In Commission of the European Communities, Forecasting and Assessment in Science and Technology, The future of industry in Europe: Is competitiveness the only issue? UK FAST conference, London, march 29th/30th, 1993 (75-92). Brussels. | Document type: Article in | Links / Downloads: |
1993 | 1993: The future of industry in EuropeCitation: Lehner, F. (1993): The future of industry in Europe. In Wobbe, W. & Nakashima, M. (eds.), Second EC-Japan Conference, march 15-19, 1993, Essen, Germany: overview & plenary. Bruxelles: Commission of the Europ. Communities. | Document type: Article in | Links / Downloads: |
1993 | 1993: Using fuzzy logic in the interactive computer support of engineering designCitation: Hamburg, I. (1993): Using fuzzy logic in the interactive computer support of engineering design. In Roozenburg, N. F. (ed.), Proceedings of ICED 93: 9th International Conference on Engineering Design (1343-1350). Zürich: Ed. Heurista. | Document type: Article in | Links / Downloads: |
1993 | 1993: Work-oriented design of computer systems for engineering tasksCitation: Brödner, P., Hamburg, I. & Paul, H. (1993): Work-oriented design of computer systems for engineering tasks. In Müller, W. & Senghaas-Knobloch, E. (Hrsg.), Arbeitsgerechte Softwaregestaltung: Leitbilder, Methoden, Beispiele (107-124). Münster: Lit-Verlag. | Document type: Article in | Links / Downloads: |
1992 | 1992: Anthropocentric production systems: the European response to the advanced manufacturing and globalization: synthesis reportCitation: Lehner, F. (1992): Anthropocentric production systems: the European response to the advanced manufacturing and globalization: synthesis report. Luxembourg: Europ. Commission, Directorate-General Telecommunications, Information Market and Exploitation of Research. | Document type: Book (monograph) | Links / Downloads: |