All publications in English
Here you see our publications in English. For a result list of all publications click hereYear | Title / Citation | Document type | Links / Downloads |
2001 | 2001: Some aspects of doing business by using the internetCitation: Hamburg, I. (2001): Some aspects of doing business by using the internet ([CD-ROM]). In Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Automatic Control and Computer Science, SACCS 2001, october 26-27, 2001, Iasi, Romania. Iasi: Techn. Univ. of Iasi, Fac. on Automatic Control and Computer Engineering. | Document type: Article in | Links / Downloads: |
2001 | 2001: Supporting virtual communities and knowledge transfer through web-based competence centresCitation: Balanica, S. & Hamburg, I. (2001): Supporting virtual communities and knowledge transfer through web-based competence centres. In Ivan, I. & Rosca, I. Gh. (eds.), Information society: the proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Economic Informatics, Bucharest, 10-13 May 2001 (20-25). Bucharest: Ed. Inforec. | Document type: Article in | Links / Downloads: |
2001 | 2001: The economic power of ageingCitation: Hilbert, J. & Naegele, G. (2001): The economic power of ageing. In Pohlmann, S. (ed.), The ageing of society as a global challenge - German impulses: integrated report on German expert contributions (63-86). Berlin: Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend. | Document type: Article in | Links / Downloads: |
2001 | 2001: The Steilmann report: the wealth of people; an intelligent economy for the 21th centuryCitation: Ashford, N., Bierter, W., Camagni, R., Charles, T., Courakis, A., Hartmann, A., Lehner, F., Schmidt-Bleek, F. & Schneider, F. (2001): The Steilmann report: the wealth of people; an intelligent economy for the 21th century (2 vols.). Bochum: KSI, Klaus Steilmann Inst. for Innovation & Environment. | Document type: Book (monograph) | Links / Downloads: |
2000 | 2000: A flexible, user-friendly communication structure for engineering applicationsCitation: Hamburg, I. & Padeanu, L. (2000): A flexible, user-friendly communication structure for engineering applications. In Brandt, D. & Cernetic, J. (eds.), Automated systems based on human skill: preprints of the 7th IFAC Symposium, June 15-17, 2000, Aachen, Germany (47-50). Düsseldorf: VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik (GMA). | Document type: Article in | Links / Downloads: |
2000 | 2000: A global approach of the organisational knowledge and managementCitation: Danubianu, D., Hamburg, I. & Pentiuc, S.-G. (2000): A global approach of the organisational knowledge and management. The annals of the "Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava, Electrical Section, 7 (13), 85-88. | Document type: Journal article | Links / Downloads: |
2000 | 2000: A software environment for collaborative distribution of knowledgeCitation: Hamburg, I. & Pentiuc, S.-G. (2000): A software environment for collaborative distribution of knowledge. In 5th International Conference on Development and Application Systems, DAS 2000, 18-20 May 2000, Suceava, Romania: proceedings (407-412). Suceava: Fac. of Electrical Engineering. | Document type: Article in | Links / Downloads: |
2000 | 2000: An example of supporting knowledge acquisition through telelearning communitiesCitation: Engert, S., Hamburg, I. & Terstriep, J. (2000): An example of supporting knowledge acquisition through telelearning communities. In Sintes 10, International Symposium on Systems Theory, Automation, Robotics, Computers, Informatics, Electronic and Instrumentation (C/1-C/4). Craiova: Univ. of Craiova, Automation, Computers & Electronics Faculty, Inst. of Research and Design in Automation. | Document type: Article in | Links / Downloads: |
2000 | 2000: Development of new products and services: the Achilles heel of the change in the company?Citation: Hilbert, J. (2000): Development of new products and services: the Achilles heel of the change in the company? In Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, The future of working conditions: European conference on 08/09 june 1999 in the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health in Dortmund (59-64). Bremerhaven: Wirtschaftsverl. NW. | Document type: Article in | Links / Downloads: |
2000 | 2000: Improving decision making by integrating web-supported data mining in distributed product development environmentsCitation: Balanica, S., Hamburg, I. & Hersh, M. A. (2000): Improving decision making by integrating web-supported data mining in distributed product development environments. The annals of the "Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava, Electrical Section, 7 (13), 36-43. | Document type: Journal article | Links / Downloads: |
2000 | 2000: Integration of workflow management systems with other supporting software toolsCitation: Hamburg, I., Hersh, M. A. & Padeanu, L. (2000): Integration of workflow management systems with other supporting software tools. In Marek, T. & Karwowski, W. (eds.), Manufacturing agility and hybrid automation - III: proceedings of the 7th international conference on human aspects of advanced manufacturing: agility and hybrid automation, Krakow, Poland, august 2001 (101-105). Krakow: Univ. | Document type: Article in | Links / Downloads: |
2000 | 2000: Learning through co-operation and the use of new technologies: opportunity or threat for women?Citation: Engert, S., Hamburg, I. & Hersh, M. A. (2000): Learning through co-operation and the use of new technologies: opportunity or threat for women? In Brandt, D. & Cernetic, J. (eds.), Automated systems based on human skill: preprints of the 7th IFAC Symposium, June 15-17, 2000, Aachen, Germany (195-198). Düsseldorf: VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik (GMA). | Document type: Article in | Links / Downloads: |
2000 | 2000: Management of web-based learning projectsCitation: Cernian, O., Hamburg, I. & Marian, G. (2000): Management of web-based learning projects. The annals of the "Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava, Electrical Section, 7 (14), 17-21. | Document type: Journal article | Links / Downloads: |
2000 | 2000: Organisational learning und virtual training centresCitation: Graur, A., Hamburg, I. & Pentiuc, S.-G. (2000): Organisational learning und virtual training centres. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference 'Internet - Education - Science', 10-12 october, 2000 (182-185). Vinnytsia: Univ. | Document type: Article in | Links / Downloads: |
2000 | 2000: Regionalisation: theory, practice and prospects in GermanyCitation: Benz, A., Fürst, D., Kilper, H. & Rehfeld, D. (2000): Regionalisation: theory, practice and prospects in Germany. Stockholm: SIR. | Document type: Book (monograph) | Links / Downloads: |
2000 | 2000: Supporting continuous learning in manufacturing companies by cooperative web-based learningCitation: Engert, S., Hamburg, I. & Terstriep, J. (2000): Supporting continuous learning in manufacturing companies by cooperative web-based learning. In 4th International Conference on Engineering Design and Automation (EDA 2000), july 30 - august 2, 2000, Orlando, Florida, USA (633-638). Goshen, KY: Integrated Technology Systems. | Document type: Article in | Links / Downloads: |
2000 | 2000: The role of virtual communities in improving the quality of the ODLCitation: Balanica, S., Hamburg, I. & Ionescu, B. B. (2000): The role of virtual communities in improving the quality of the ODL. Optimum Q (10), 174-180. | Document type: Journal article | Links / Downloads: |
2000 | 2000: The use of soft methods and data mining to support engineering designCitation: Hamburg, I. & Hersh, M. A. (2000): The use of soft methods and data mining to support engineering design. In Simpozionul international "Universitaria Ropet 2000", Lucrarile stiintifice ale simpozionului international "Universitaria Ropet 2000", 19-20 octombrie 2000, Petrosani (267-270 ). Petrosani: Univ. | Document type: Article in | Links / Downloads: |
2000 | 2000: Tools for a participative computer aided modeling of flows in productionCitation: Hamburg, I. & Zaharia, M. H. (2000): Tools for a participative computer aided modeling of flows in production. In 4th International Conference on Engineering Design and Automation (EDA 2000), july 30 - august 2, 2000, Orlando, Florida, USA (627-632). Goshen, KY: Integrated Technology Systems. | Document type: Article in | Links / Downloads: |
2000 | 2000: Tools for supporting knowledge distribution in organisations: a comparative approachCitation: Hamburg, I., Hersh, M. A. & Padeanu, L. (2000): Tools for supporting knowledge distribution in organisations: a comparative approach. In Sintes 10, International Symposium on Systems Theory, Automation, Robotics, Computers, Informatics, Electronic and Instrumentation (C/5-C/8). Craiova: Univ. of Craiova, Automation, Computers & Electronics Faculty, Inst. of Research and Design in Automation. | Document type: Article in | Links / Downloads: |
2000 | 2000: Video conferencing and application sharing in public administration: between organisational and personal awarenessCitation: Beyer, L. & Paul, H. (2000): Video conferencing and application sharing in public administration: between organisational and personal awareness. In Marek, T. & Karwowski, W. (eds.), Manufacturing agility and hybrid automation - III: proceedings of the 7th international conference on human aspects of advanced manufacturing: agility and hybrid automation, Krakow, Poland, august 2000 (74-77). Krakow: Univ. | Document type: Article in | Links / Downloads: |
2000 | 2000: Web based training: experience with a German projectCitation: Engert, S., Hamburg, I. & Terstriep, J. (2000): Web based training: experience with a German project. In i3 Spring Days 2000: Workshop 6: Supporting learning communities in education, Athens, march 1-3, 2000. Sankt Augustin: German National Research Centre for Information Technology (GMD). | Document type: Article in | Links / Downloads: |
1999 | 1999: A training model for women: new opportunities with new technologies and new forms of work organisationCitation: Beer, D., Busk Kofoed, L. & Hamburg, I. (1999): A training model for women: new opportunities with new technologies and new forms of work organisation. In Bullinger, H. & Ziegler, J. (eds.), Human computer interaction: proceedings of the HCI International '99. Vol. 2: Communication, cooperation and application design (568-572). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. | Document type: Article in | Links / Downloads: |
1999 | 1999: Between regional networking and lonesome riding: different patterns of regional embeddedness in new media sectors in Northrhine-WestphaliaCitation: Hilbert, J., Nordhause-Janz, J. & Rehfeld, D. (1999): Between regional networking and lonesome riding: different patterns of regional embeddedness in new media sectors in Northrhine-Westphalia. In Braczyk, H.-J., Fuchs, G. & Wolf, H.-G. (eds.), Multimedia and regional economic restructuring (131-154). London: Routledge. | Document type: Article in | Links / Downloads: |
1999 | 1999: Fuzzy methods for efficient knowledge management: application to 'green' design processesCitation: Hamburg, I. & Hersh, M. A. (1999): Fuzzy methods for efficient knowledge management: application to 'green' design processes. In Hamza, M. H. (ed.), Modelling, identification and control: Innsbruck, Austria, February 15 - 18, 1999; a publication of the International Association of Science and Technology for Development - IASTED / Eighteenth IASTED International Conference (86-88). Anaheim: Acta Press. | Document type: Article in | Links / Downloads: |