Modern manufacturing systems: trends of women employment and qualification aspects

Modern manufacturing systems: trends of women employment and qualification aspects. Gelsenkirchen: Inst. Arbeit und Technik. Projektbericht des Instituts Arbeit und Technik, Nr. 1997-13

Beer, Doris / Hamburg, Ileana (Hrsg.)


| PDF-Datei | Women in German manufacturing industry – the impact of work organisation and technology development | 7 |
|   | Doris Beer, Ileana Hamburg |   |
| PDF-Datei | Structure and trends of women's employment in the UK | 27 |
|   | M. J. Platts |   |
| PDF-Datei | Denmark: National report | 39 |
|   | Lise Kofoed |   |
| PDF-Datei | The Female Presence in the Labour Market | 49 |
|   | Giovanna Altieri, Cristina Oteri, Francesca Sbordone |   |
| PDF-Datei | Women and New Forms of Work: A Goal-Oriented Project Approach and Qualification Aspects | 63 |
|   | Julia K. Kuark, Sylvia Manchen |   |