On Equal Grounds? Migrant Women’s Participation in Labour and Labour Related Activities / EQUALPART

EQUALPART focuses on the inclusion of migrant women in working life and employment beyond the period of the first years after their arrival (post-intro), and on the different and multi-scalar contexts that shape their labour market outcomes. The project applies a multi-and interdisciplinary approach including

  1. research on measures and their effectiveness;
  2. a quantitative study of the impact of local (neighborhood) characteristics on labour market outcomes;
  3. a social-legal analysis of the implementation of services to provide equal opportunities for all and
  4. two qualitative studies where we study different individual agents' perceptions and personal experiences and how these development over time (0-18 months) as well as a comparative case study where we explore implications of the policy idea(l) of inclusion through labour (the health care sector and elderly care as an example) on migrant women's opportunities for participation on equal grounds and upward social mobility.


EQUALPART is founded by The Research Council of Norway, so that main project activities will be carried out in Norway. The IAT participates in the role of the German “expert” organization in the project. It contributes to the discussions and dissemination of the results and as the main or co-author in one of the scientific publications resulting from the project. Knowledge transfer in the form of findings in various arenas, national and international audiences will also take place by the IAT. Due to the previous experience in the research area, the IAT is assigned an advisory role in the project, which from the German perspective discusses the results and places them in other country-specific contexts.