European Region Entrepreneurship Connection / EFEBNetwork

Tasks and Aims

EFEB Network’s main objective is to train, to mentor and to develop entrepreneurial skills of woman involving them in VET partnerships. Doing so, the project targets at supporting women and empowers them with the provision of new economic and social opportunities. Thus, the main tasks of the project are the enhancement of new skills and education of women, in order to open up their mind for being an entrepreneur. Aside, EFEB is about the creation of a climate that is favorable to increase the number of women entrepreneurs in the economy and also the size of women-led businesses and jobs. The key aim of EFEB is the creation of a strong partnership in the field of educational development, training and supportive activities in the field of female entrepreneurship focusing on social entrepreneurship, eco-innovation and digital economy.

Regarding the aims of the EFEB project, it is in line with the project ENTER (see project information), which also aims at the development of entrepreneurial skills of young people. Both projects support the expansion of a strong human capital for a sustainable Europe. The EFEB project will be realized in co-operation with the IAT Lifelong Learning Study Group.