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This Project answers to problems concerning changing labour market and unsufficient preparation to new situations by young people as well as lack of entrepreneurial education in formal systems. Growing SME’s role in every European country causes necessity of creating new, more entrepreneurial attitudes. People, who don’t recognize those attitudes can’t find their place on labour market. That causes low motivation, self-confidence and sometimes social exclusion. We need to change people’s attitude and thinking. The objective of the project is to teach entrepreneurial attitudes and opening people’s mind for innovation and activity by showing them advantages in both professional and everyday life. This is one of the key problems of young people. There isn’t enough motivation among inhabitants to change an adversely situation and to create innovate business. The most important action should be to motivate themselves and to develop a more creative and innovative thinking. Efficient business systems cannot be built without efficient entrepreneurship attitudes and the ability to sustain it. Business should be built on two fundaments – engagement and enthusiasm. This also includes strategic thinking and the ability to plan.
To gain success we need to work out the causes of the insufficient entrepreneurial attitudes. Especially in smaller sized communities with lower accessibility to institutions, higher education and support for SMEs this is a significant problem. Some reasons are lack of conviction, self-confidence and psychological barriers, which cause lack of business skills and interest in developing own companies as well as innovative ideas and furthermore leads to a low number of new companies, start-ups and poor sustainability of companies. 
There are many programmes for encouraging people to become entrepreneurs, but many of them are not effective – because only chosen skills are handled to establish business. This particularly concerns self-employed people, which are an increasing number on the market and often fail in the first years. A new approach is needed – more complex, innovative and based on real local needs.

Project Activities