Dr. Judith Terstriep
Here you see the publications in English. For a result list of all publications click hereWorking papers, brochures, project reports
Year | Title / Citation | Document type | Links / Downloads |
2023 | 2023: Taking Responsibility - HEI's Role in Thriving Sustainable Futures. SDS4HEI Project Deliverable of WP2 – Paths to Implementing Sustainable DevelopmentCitation: Siegel, J. & Terstriep, J. (2023): Taking Responsibility - HEI's Role in Thriving Sustainable Futures. SDS4HEI Project Deliverable of WP2 – Paths to Implementing Sustainable Development. Institute for Work and Technology, Westphalian University of Applied Sciences. https://doi.org/10.53190/inno/202401 | Document type: Report | Links / Downloads: |
2023 | 2023: Transformational Hubs for Recognised Refugees – Policy Recommendations by the Enter to Transform Project. Gelsenkirchen: Institute for Work and TechnologyCitation: David, A. & Terstriep, J. (2023): Transformational Hubs for Recognised Refugees – Policy Recommendations by the Enter to Transform Project. Gelsenkirchen: Institute for Work and Technology. Gelsenkirchen: Institut Arbeit und Technik. https://doi.org/10.53190/inno/202301 | Document type: Report | Links / Downloads: |
2022 | 2022: Bottrop 2018+- Participative governance for a sustainable and resilient economic structureCitation: Terstriep, J. & Rabadjieva, M. (2022): Bottrop 2018+- Participative governance for a sustainable and resilient economic structure. Research and Development at the Westphalian University. Research Report 2018-2021, 26. Gelsenkirchen: Westfälische Hochschule, University of Applied Sciences. | Document type: Report | Links / Downloads: |
2022 | 2022: Hello Europe, Ashoka (2022). Transforming the field of migration through collaborative framework - Recommendations towards a connected and resilient migrant workforce and entrepreneurship ecosystem in EuropeCitation: Contributors: David, A. & Terstriep, J. (2022): Hello Europe, Ashoka (2022). Transforming the field of migration through collaborative framework - Recommendations towards a connected and resilient migrant workforce and entrepreneurship ecosystem in Europe. | Document type: Internet document | Links / Downloads: |
2022 | 2022: Manifesto "Reframing Multicultural and Migrant Entrepreneurship"Citation: David, A., Terstriep, J., Alvarez Monge, A. M. & Boga, N. (2022): Manifesto "Reframing Multicultural and Migrant Entrepreneurship". | Document type: Internet document | Links / Downloads: |
2021 | 2021: Sectoral Report - Enter to Transform Comparative ReportCitation: Terstriep, J., David, A. & Atibioke, O. (2021): Sectoral Report - Enter to Transform Comparative Report. Gelsenkirchen: Institute of Work and Technology. | Document type: Report | Links / Downloads: |
2018 | 2018: Economic foundation of social innovationCitation: Terstriep, J. (2018): Economic foundation of social innovation. Research and development at the Westphalian University: research report 2014 - 2017, 27. Gelsenkirchen: Westfälische Hochschule, University of Applied Sciences. | Document type: Report | Links / Downloads: |
2018 | 2018: Innovation report North Rhine-WestphaliaCitation: Terstriep, J. & Nordhause-Janz, J. (2018): Innovation report North Rhine-Westphalia. Research and development at the Westphalian University: research report 2014 - 2017, 24. Gelsenkirchen: Westfälische Hochschule, University of Applied Sciences. | Document type: Report | Links / Downloads: |
2016 | 2016: Comparative analysis (mapping 1): mapping the world of social innovation; a global comparative analysis across sectors and world regionsCitation: Howaldt, J., Schröder, A. / Kaletka, C., Rehfeld, D. & Terstriep, J. (2016): Comparative analysis (mapping 1): mapping the world of social innovation; a global comparative analysis across sectors and world regions (Publication of the project "SI-DRIVE: Social Innovation: Driving Force of Social Change", D1.4). , July 2016. Dortmund: Technical University. | Document type: Internet document | Links / Downloads: |
2016 | 2016: Ex-ante impact assessment and value network analysis for SICitation: Dhondt, S., van de Ven, H., Ziauberyte, R., van der Torre, W., Cressey, P., Kaderabkova, A., Luna, Á., Modhadam Saman, S., Castro Spila, J. & Terstriep, J. (2016): Ex-ante impact assessment and value network analysis for SI (December 2016). SIMPACT working paper, 2016 (2). Gelsenkirchen: Institute for Work and Technology. | Document type: Report | Links / Downloads: |
2016 | 2016: Mapping the world of social innovation: key results of a comparative analysis of 1.005 social innovation initiatives at a glance; summary of the SI-DRIVE deliverable D 1.4 Comparative analysis (mapping 1)Citation: Howaldt, J., Schröder, A., Kaletka, C., Rehfeld, D. & Terstriep, J. (2016): Mapping the world of social innovation: key results of a comparative analysis of 1.005 social innovation initiatives at a glance; summary of the SI-DRIVE deliverable D 1.4 Comparative analysis (mapping 1). Dortmund: Technical University. | Document type: Report | Links / Downloads: |
2016 | 2016: Stimulating, resourcing and sustaining social innovation (2): towards a new mode of public policy production and implementationCitation: Totterdill, P., Cressey, P., Exton, R., Terstriep, J. (2016): Stimulating, resourcing and sustaining social innovation (2): towards a new mode of public policy production and implementation (December 2016). SIMPACT working paper, 2016 (03). Gelsenkirchen: Institute for Work and Technology. | Document type: Report | Links / Downloads: |
2015 | 2015: Comparative report on social innovation frameworkCitation: Rehfeld, D. (2015): Comparative report on social innovation framework. SIMPACT project report, report D1.1. European Commission, DG Research & Innovation, project "Boosting the Impact of SI in Europe through Economic Underpinnings". | Document type: Report | Links / Downloads: |
2015 | 2015: Middle-range theorising: bridging micro- and meso-levelCitation: Rehfeld, D. & Terstriep, J. (2015): Middle-range theorising: bridging micro- and meso-level. SIMPACT working papers, 2015 (1). Gelsenkirchen: Institut Arbeit und Technik. | Document type: Internet document | Links / Downloads: |
2015 | 2015: Stimulating, resourcing and sustaining social innovation: towards a new mode of public policy production and implementationCitation: Totterdill, P., Cressey, P., Exton, R. & Terstriep, J. (2015): Stimulating, resourcing and sustaining social innovation: towards a new mode of public policy production and implementation. SIMPACT working papers, 2015 (3). Gelsenkirchen: Institut Arbeit und Technik. | Document type: Report | Links / Downloads: |
2014 | 2014: Green mobility: a cross-regional comparison; deliverable D2.3 of the project "Electromobility solutions for cities and regions" (ELMOs), European Commission – 7th Framework ProgrammeCitation: Terstriep, J., Welschhoff, J. & David, A. (2014): Green mobility: a cross-regional comparison; deliverable D2.3 of the project "Electromobility solutions for cities and regions" (ELMOs), European Commission – 7th Framework Programme. Brussels: European Commission, DG Research & Innovation. | Document type: Internet document | Links / Downloads: |
2011 | 2011: Incubator and cluster cooperation: a case study; report for the Achieve More ProjectCitation: Butzin, A. & Terstriep, J. (2011): Incubator and cluster cooperation: a case study; report for the Achieve More Project. Gelsenkirchen: Institute for Work and Technology. | Document type: Report | Links / Downloads: |
2009 | 2009: Report on cluster alliances and networking between KIS-enterprises and clusters: report for the Achieve More ProjectCitation: Butzin, A. & Terstriep, J. (2009): Report on cluster alliances and networking between KIS-enterprises and clusters: report for the Achieve More Project. Gelsenkirchen: Institute for Work and Technology. | Document type: Report | Links / Downloads: |
2007 | 2007: Balanced Score Card: measuring CM performance. 1st draft version, 06 February 2007Citation: Terstriep, J. (2007): Balanced Score Card: measuring CM performance. 1st draft version, 06 February 2007. Europe INNOVA, Innovation and Clusters, NICE. | Document type: Internet document | Links / Downloads: |
2006 | 2006: Comparative cluster analysis: five ICT regions in EuropeCitation: Terstriep, J. (2006): Comparative cluster analysis: five ICT regions in Europe (Final version, 01 August 2006). Gelsenkirchen: Europe INNOVA, Innovtion and Clusters, NICE. | Document type: Internet document | Links / Downloads: |
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