Dr. Judith Terstriep
Here you see the publications in English. For a result list of all publications click hereIAT Self-Publishing
Year | Title / Citation | Document type | Links / Downloads |
2025 | 2025: Silent Barriers: The Hidden Impact of Microaggressions on Migrant EntrepreneursCitation: David, A. & Terstriep, J. (2025): Silent Barriers: The Hidden Impact of Microaggressions on Migrant Entrepreneurs. Forschung Aktuell, 2025 (02). Gelsenkirchen: Institut Arbeit und Technik, Westfälische Hochschule Gelsenkirchen Bocholt Recklinghausen. https://doi.org/10.53190/fa/202502 | Document type: Internet document | Links / Downloads: |
2022 | 2022: The Role of Local Embeddedness of Transnational Migrant Start-ups in the COVID-19 Crises - Examples from the Berlin Start-up EcosystemCitation: Terstriep, J., David, A., Ruthemeier, A. & Elo, M. (2022): The Role of Local Embeddedness of Transnational Migrant Start-ups in the COVID-19 Crises - Examples from the Berlin Start-up Ecosystem. IAT discussion paper, 22 (05). Gelsenkirchen: Institut Arbeit und Technik. https://doi.org/10.53190/dp/202205 | Document type: Internet document | Links / Downloads: |
2021 | 2021: Characteristics of Migrant Entrepreneurs: Asset in Times of Crisis?Citation: David, A., Schäfer, S & Terstriep, J. (2021): Characteristics of Migrant Entrepreneurs: Asset in Times of Crisis? Forschung Aktuell, 2021 (01). Gelsenkirchen: Institut Arbeit und Technik. | Document type: Internet document | Links / Downloads: |
2019 | 2019: Migrants’ digital knowledge flows: How digital transformation shapes social behaviourCitation: David, A., Terstriep, J., Sospiro, P. & Scibè, E. (2019): Migrants’ digital knowledge flows: How digital transformation shapes social behaviour. Forschung Aktuell, 2019 (06). Gelsenkirchen: Institut Arbeit und Technik. | Document type: Internet document | Links / Downloads: |
2015 | 2015: Middle-range theorising: bridging micro- and meso-levelCitation: Rehfeld, D. & Terstriep, J. (2015): Middle-range theorising: bridging micro- and meso-level. SIMPACT working papers, 2015 (1). Gelsenkirchen: Institut Arbeit und Technik. | Document type: Internet document | Links / Downloads: |
2015 | 2015: Research-driven clusters und green mobility: a cross-regional comparisonCitation: David, A., Terstriep, J. & Welschhoff, J. (2015): Research-driven clusters und green mobility: a cross-regional comparison. Forschung Aktuell, 2015 (02). Gelsenkirchen: Institut Arbeit und Technik. | Document type: Internet document | Links / Downloads: |
2015 | 2015: Stimulating, resourcing and sustaining social innovation: towards a new mode of public policy production and implementationCitation: Totterdill, P., Cressey, P., Exton, R. & Terstriep, J. (2015): Stimulating, resourcing and sustaining social innovation: towards a new mode of public policy production and implementation. SIMPACT working papers, 2015 (3). Gelsenkirchen: Institut Arbeit und Technik. | Document type: Report | Links / Downloads: |