IMANI - Societal Embeddedness of Migrant Startups in Local Ecosystems - Measuring the Impact of Mutual Relationship of Innovativeness / IMANI

IMANI aims to identify, make visible, and harness the innovation potential of migrant startups for both local and remote startup ecosystems. To achieve this, a regenerative impact measurement system is being developed in collaboration with the AiDiA initiative (Afro German Startup Pitch) and other key players within the startup ecosystem. This system will consider individual, organisational, and societal mental models, and will be piloted and evaluated for its transfer readiness. The goal is to measure the interactions related to innovation between migrant startups and their startup ecosystems and to identify opportunities for optimisation.

The project also focuses on developing guidelines, recommendations, learning modules, and practical tools to help ecosystem actors fully leverage the impact model and facilitate its transfer. The part of the project conducted by the IAT aims to provide a comprehensive insight into the scientific understanding of migrant startups within startup ecosystems. This involves a detailed analysis of diversity and target groups to highlight their innovation potential, achieved through a systematic review of relevant literature to identify and understand key aspects of migrant startups and their communities. Special attention is given to critically reviewing and adapting the existing impact model developed by Unity Effect by IAT in close collaboration with the AiDiA initiative, based on current scientific and practical developments, so that, in the end, an impact model is available that can be utilised by other ecosystems as well.