Energy transition and societal megatrends – Power-To-X usage paths in Wuppertal / EnerAct – P2X

Aims and tasks

Project EnerAct on renewable energy and societal megatrends focuses on the creation of concepts for the implementation of energy transition on the local and regional level in North Rhine-Westphalia. On the one hand, the action context is characterised by the technical challenges. On the other hand, the stakeholders in the regions and municipalities are confronted with a series of overarching political, technical and cultural developments, which are driven by dynamics other than energy transition.


The overlapping of the energy transition by megatrends such as digitalization or demographic change requires more than ever integrated problem-solving concepts for the implementation of the energy transition. Beyond technical aspects, they address the socio-economic characteristics of the individual regions and municipalities and take into account possible changes due to megatrends.


The objective of the subproject EnerAct – P2X is the analysis of various hydrogen usage paths at the district level in Wuppertal in cooperation with Wuppertal public services (Wuppertaler Stadtwerke). At the beginning, an overview of possible usage paths in the sectors electricity, heat and mobility is compiled and analysed. With the help of a systemic evaluation matrix to be developed in the subproject as well as the analysis of the socio-economic situation in the addressed quarters, the paths relevant for Wuppertal are identified. This finally leads to the elaboration of an implementation concept for a selected usage path.


An important element is the blending of the requirements of the energy transition with the megatrends demographic change, urbanization and individualization, as these influence the future demand for electricity, heat and mobility. Furthermore, the megatrend of digitalization is a key element for the implementation, as it enables the complex networking of various sectors in the first place.


Institute for Work and Technology is primarily involved in the third and fourth work package: the systemic evaluation of P2X usage paths for Wuppertal and the derivation of a P2X implementation concept for Wuppertal public services (Wuppertaler Stadtwerke).


Stiftung Mercator funds EnerAct.

Stiftung Mercator
