Web-basiertes Lernen: Chancen oder Risiken für Arbeitnehmerinnen und Unternehmen?

Web-basiertes Lernen: Chancen oder Risiken für Arbeitnehmerinnen und Unternehmen? Dokumentation eines Workshops am Institut Arbeit und Technik im Rahmen des Quatroprojektes Kompetenznetz für Frauen (FrauTelNet). Gelsenkirchen: Inst. Arbeit und Technik. Projektbericht des Instituts Arbeit und Technik, Nr. 2000-04

Engert, Steffi / Hamburg, Ileana / Terstriep, Judith (Hrsg.)


Telelearning – online learning – Web-based learning – LifeLong learning – all these are concepts describing different aspects of the learning scene which change very fast. We sum them up in the concept of virtual learning. Main characteristics of the new forms of learning are: they are based on new media like the Internet, have the potential of changing learning processes, are open and flexible. Virtual forms of learning change the role of teaching and learning and prepare for other online activities which gain importance within the business life. This volume includes the presentations given at the workshop in Gelsenkirchen; it was a dialog between experts (e.g. suppliers of virtual learning) and companies, in order to match demands and offers, it supported the networking of virtual learning experts for vocational training. Particularly “Gender-Mainstreaming” was taken into consideration.

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