Fikret Öz

Here you see the publications in English. For a result list of all publications click here

Book Contributions

YearTitle / CitationDocument typeLinks / Downloads


Chapter 2: Entrepreneurship and research skills in SMEs


Hamburg, I., O'Brien, E. & Öz, F. (2019): Chapter 2: Entrepreneurship and research skills in SMEs. In Dirksen, D. (ed.), The power of entrepreneurship (45-76). New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Document type:  

Article in

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Tertiary lifelong learning for people in mid-life and social inclusion


Hamburg, I. & Öz, F. (2011): Tertiary lifelong learning for people in mid-life and social inclusion. In Life long learning for competitiveness, employability and social inclusion: international conference, 11 - 13 November 2011, Craiova, Romania (37-42). Craiova: Editura Universitaria.

Document type:  

Article in

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