Increasing the Quality of Staff Related with Vocational Guidance for Individuals with Special Needs / ACCESS

Excisting siutation and project objectives

According to Commission of EU Communities (2008), Council of EU Union (2009) and Turkey’s regulations for disabled people; despite strong political intentions, some disabled individuals are in segregated settings. Individuals with special needs have an equal opportunity and chance to get education same as other individuals. The countries are facing lots of difficulties in applications of these law and regulations with vocational placement and orientation of individuals with special needs. Individuals with special need and their families are facing lots of difficulties. So there is an urgent need about the quality of vocational guidance to disabled individuals. New approaches and methods related with vocational guidance and orientation for disabled students or individuals were the main reasons behind the projects. That is why the project partners made a decision about preparing a project about vocational guidance of individuals with special needs. 
Objectives of the project were:


This project included staff (teachers, special education teachers, guidance teachers, counselors, administrators, academics and experts) from ten participating institutions from Turkey (coordination), Netherlands, Germany, Portugal, Malta, Belgium, Italy and Romania. 
Some results oft the project were achieved