Regional Trajectories to the Knowledge Economy: A Dynamic Model / EURODITE

Aims and tasks

The significance of knowledge for economic activity has grown exponentially since the 1980s. However, there is as yet little understanding of the nature and composition of the knowledge economy, especially at a regional level. The EURODITE project will address this deficiency by examining the dynamics of knowledge in the economies of European regions to inform policies seeking to promote the transition of Europe to-wards a knowledge-based society. What are the different trajectories towards the know-ledge economy? Through what generative and communication pathways does know-ledge flow into and within regional economies? An analytical framework will be develo-ped enabling policy-makers to measure the intensity of regional knowledge use, and to identify appropriate practices for different regions given their respective economic base and level of knowledge development. Complementary activities are designed to ensure a high level of communication and take up and validation of the project outputs.

Research Strategy

The overall goal of the EURODITE project is to understand the role of knowledge in the economies of European regions in order to inform policies in these regions towards a knowledge- based economy with enhanced social cohesion. The intention is to probe beneath the popular notion of the 'Knowledge Economy' by describing the diversity of learning processes, knowledge dynamics and knowledge trajectories across Europe. It is also intended to examine the assumption that regions and other spatial arrangements (such as 'clusters' or 'milieu') represent coherent units of explanation and intervention in the knowledge field. Operational Objectives are as follows: