Dr. Peter Enste

Here you see the publications in English. For a result list of all publications click here

Book Contributions

YearTitle / CitationDocument typeLinks / Downloads


Technology acceptance and aging


Merkel, S., Enste, P., Hilbert, J., Chen, K., Chan, A. & Kwon, S. (2016): Technology acceptance and aging. In Kwon, S. (ed.), Gerontechnology: research, practice, and principles in the field of technology and aging (335-349). New York: Springer.

Document type:  

Article in

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Barriers to the diffusion of telecare and telehealth in the EU: a literature review


Merkel, S. & Enste, P. (2015): Barriers to the diffusion of telecare and telehealth in the EU: a literature review. In Institution of Engineering and Technology, IET International Conference on Technologies for Active and Assisted Living (TechAAL), London, 5 Nov. 2015: conference proceedings (6). London.

Document type:  

Article in

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Technology acceptance of elderly users and social inequalities in Germany: results of a qualitative study


Enste, P. & Merkel, S. (2015): Technology acceptance of elderly users and social inequalities in Germany: results of a qualitative study. In Interdisciplinary Korean Association of Qualitative Research: Kultur und Interpretation [in koreanischer Sprache]: Konferenz Seoul, 14.11.2015 (129-144). Seoul.

Document type:  

Article in

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The discovery and development of the silver market in Germany


Eitner, C., Enste, P., Leve, V. & Naegele, G. (2010): The discovery and development of the silver market in Germany. In Kohlbacher, F. & Herstatt, C. (eds.), The silver market phenomenon: business oppurtunities in an era of demografic change (309-325). Berlin: Springer.

Document type:  

Article in

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The discovery and development of the silver market in Germany


Enste, P., Leve, V. & Naegele, G. (2008): The discovery and development of the silver market in Germany. In Kohlbacher, F. & Herstatt, C. (eds.), The silver market phenomenon: business oppurtunities in an era of demografic change (325-339). Berlin: Springer.

Document type:  

Article in

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