Dr. Franz Flögel

Here you see the publications in English. For a result list of all publications click here

Journal and newspaper articles

YearTitle / CitationDocument typeLinks / Downloads


Ethnic versus religious grocery-shopping: an investigation into the shopping place selection of "South Asian British Muslims"


Flögel, F. (2011): Ethnic versus religious grocery-shopping: an investigation into the shopping place selection of "South Asian British Muslims". GeoLoge, 3 (1), 13-23 .

Document type:  

Journal article

Links / Downloads:  



ASDA Goes Halal: Do British south Asian grocery retailers have to fear ASDA´s new offers for muslims?


Flögel, F. (2010): ASDA Goes Halal: Do British south Asian grocery retailers have to fear ASDA´s new offers for muslims? (Juli 2010). Berichte des Arbeitskreises Geographische Handelsforschung , 27, 29-33 .

Document type:  

Journal article

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