Dr. Antje Blöcker

Here you see the publications in English. For a result list of all publications click here

Book Contributions

YearTitle / CitationDocument typeLinks / Downloads


Knowledge processes and networks in the automotive sector


Jürgens, U., Blöcker, A. & MacNeill, S. (2010): Knowledge processes and networks in the automotive sector. In Cooke, P., de Laurentis, C., MacNeill, S. & Collinge, C., Platforms of innovation: dynamics of new industrial knowledge flows (205-232). London: Elgar.

Document type:  

Article in

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The restructuring of value chains by multinational companies in the European automotive industry and the impact on labour


Blöcker, A. & Jürgens, U. (2008): The restructuring of value chains by multinational companies in the European automotive industry and the impact on labour. In Galgóczi, B., Keune, M. & Watt, A. (eds.), Jobs on the move: an analytical approach to 'relocation' and its impact on employment (99-132). Brussels: Saltsa.

Document type:  

Article in

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