IT-basierte Lernformen für die betriebliche Weiterbildung

IT-basierte Lernformen für die betriebliche Weiterbildung. Gelsenkirchen: Inst. Arbeit und Technik. Projektbericht des Instituts Arbeit und Technik, Nr. 2003-01

Engert, Steffi / Hamburg, Ileana (Hrsg.)


Today more companies would like to implement and use new, Internet- and Web-based forms of learning in continuous vocational training of their staff. This is a new development. This direction is also followed in the work of the co-operation project of ÖFTA: Consequences of new internet-based multimedia education technologies supported by the Ministry of School, Research and Technology of NRW. In this project, the IAT in co-operation with SOKOM GmbH organised an expert work group in October 2003 on selection and evaluation of IT- and Internet-based learning programs in companies. The work had two phases: in the first phase a virtual discussion of German and European took place in a discussion forum (i-discuss, developed by SOKOM its partner City System, GmbH). In the second phase a “face-to-face” workshop with a smaller number of experts took place at IAT, in order to examine some of the issues more deeply. In this publication we present summaries of these discussions and the findings of some of the experts on the application of Internet and Web technologies. Specifically, web technologies in continuous vocational education.

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