E-Learning: Kollaboration und veränderte Rollen im Lernprozess

E-Learning: Kollaboration und veränderte Rollen im Lernprozess. Gelsenkirchen: Inst. Arbeit und Technik. Projektbericht des Instituts Arbeit und Technik, Nr. 2003-04

Beer, Doris / Hamburg, Ileana / Lindecke, Christiane / Terstriep, Judith


IT-based learning methods, particularly E Learning, create many expectations within education and continuous vocational training. So it is anticipated that IT-based learning methods will facilitate a flexible access to knowledge referring to time and place, a new quality of life in collaborative learning processes and a cost-saving qualification.
Although many projects about E-Learning have been carried out, research has to be done for some problems and questions e.g. which effects have IT-based learning forms and methods on the roles and relationships of the learners and with the trainers. The Institute for Work and Technology carried out such research within the co-operation project “Consequences of new internet-based education technologies (ÖFTA)” supported by the Ministry of School, Research and Technology of NRW and compared the results with the findings of other studies about IT-based learning. Some results are presented in this publication.

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