Dienstleistungen für mehr Lebensqualität: Trends, Gestaltungsfelder, Beschäftigungsperspektiven

Dienstleistungen für mehr Lebensqualität: Trends, Gestaltungsfelder, Beschäftigungsperspektiven. Gelsenkirchen: Inst. Arbeit und Technik. Graue Reihe des Instituts Arbeit und Technik, Nr. 2003-03

Altgeld, Karin / Beyer, Lothar / Brandel, Rolf / Hilbert, Josef / Langer, Dirk / Micheel, Brigitte / Middendorf, Anja Sophia


With regard to growth potentials of the economic sector the lines of health, social, sports, leisure and cultural industries appear to be exceedingly promising. These sectors have been strong carriers of structural change for years. The common intention of all these is to produce services in order to improve quality of life in high gear. General framework changes in sociodemography offer auspicious prospects for continuous economic growth.
This report is based on a study carried out in 2000 for the German Ministry for Labour and Social Affairs in Northrine-Westphalia. Demonstrations of best practises and analyses of structural development show perspectives and development paths of the future “quality of life” industry.

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