Web-basiertes Lernen: Konzepte, Praxisbeispiele und Tendenzen

Web-basiertes Lernen: Konzepte, Praxisbeispiele und Tendenzen. Europäischer Erfahrungsaustausch in der beruflichen Bildung von Behinderten; Dokumentation eines Workshops - 24.4.2002, Institut Arbeit und Technik im Rahmen der Projekte ÖFTA, EURO H und REHA-INPROD. Gelsenkirchen: Inst. Arbeit und Technik. Projektbericht des Instituts Arbeit und Technik, Nr. 2002-01

Web-basiertes Lernen
Open PDF

Berg, Dorothea / Engert, Steffi / Hamburg, Ileana (Hrsg.)


Network-based learning, especially web-based learning, is still an emerging application in many areas. In this context, innovation-oriented-assessment of technology was dis-cussed in the workshop in relation to current developments and projects. Experience has shown the importance of social relationships and interactions between learners and between learners and trainers in web-based learning settings.
The question “how these relationships can be supported by a network”, particularly if the learners are physically disabled, was the main focus of the discussion in the workshop. Concepts, practice and tendencies of web-based learning in vocational training for the disabled were presented.
The publication contains the presentation of the projects ÖFTA, EURO H und REHA-INPROD and some of their results, contributions of experts in the fields of web-based distance learning and on the qualification of people with disabilities in Europe. Also, the discussion of the two Workgroups on “Web-based Learning” and “Distance learning for the Disabled” is recorded here.