Perspektiven europäischer Strukturpolitik nach 2006

Perspektiven europäischer Strukturpolitik nach 2006: Reformbedarf und Konsequenzen für Nordrhein-Westfalen; Expertise für die Staatskanzlei des Landes NRW. Gelsenkirchen: Inst. Arbeit und Technik. Projektbericht des Instituts Arbeit und Technik, Nr. 2002-03

Perspektiven europäischer Strukturpolitik nach 2006
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Müller, Angelika / Potratz, Wolfgang / Rehfeld, Dieter / Widmaier, Brigitta


The current Structural Fund programming period stretches from 2000 to 2006. After 2006, it appears in all probability that no further Structural Funds will be available for most of the current Objective 2 regions. Against this background, the study attempts to evaluate reform models for EU structural policy and their consequences for North Rhine Westphalia. Starting with an analysis of the EU financial system, which represents a key incentive for reform, proposals ranging from the status quo to a substitution of the Structural Funds by a system of fiscal balancing are discussed. The outcome shows that neither model promises much greater financial room for manoevre for the German Länder given that EU competition policy and state aid control set a restrictive framework for any option based on a redistribution of real investments. A targeted strategy of regional competence building, which is both growth oriented and geared towards a quality contest between regions, is discussed as one future alternative.