Virtuelle Teams: Erkenntnisse über die Nutzung von Video Conferencing und Application Sharing bei der Unterstützung virtueller Teams

Virtuelle Teams: Erkenntnisse über die Nutzung von Video Conferencing und Application Sharing bei der Unterstützung virtueller Teams. Gelsenkirchen: Inst. Arbeit und Technik. Graue Reihe des Instituts Arbeit und Technik, Nr. 2000-07

Herczeg, Michael / Janfeld, Bert / Kleinen, Barbara / Kritzenberger, Huberta / Paul, Hansjürgen / Wittstock, Marion


This report summarizes latest results about the usage of video conferencing and application sharing, as the result of a co-operation between the department of production systems at the Institute for Work and Technology in Gelsenkirchen and the Institute for Multimedia and Interactive Systems (IMIS) at the Medical University at Lübeck (MUzL).

“Virtual Teams” are described as an organizational application of the potential of cooperative work with video conferencing and application sharing. Two projects are presented, where people are cooperating in virtual teams.

Practical tests of various hard- and software platforms are the foundation for this to this document as well as the experiments and pretests made with students of the MUzL and employees of the Multimedia Development Center Schleswig-Holstein (MESH) in Lübeck. In addition, a questionnaire form for the systematical description of video conferencing and application sharing installations is introduced as a tool for the empirical comparison and analysis of different forms of implementation.

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