Regionalisierte Strukturpolitik als Lernprozess: verbundspezifische Projekte im Rahmen einer regionalisierten Strukturpolitik

Regionalisierte Strukturpolitik als Lernprozess: verbundspezifische Projekte im Rahmen einer regionalisierten Strukturpolitik, Erfahrungen in Ziel-2-Regionen, Zwischenbilanz, Best-Practice und Konsequenzen für zukünftige Projekte. Gelsenkirchen: Inst. Arbeit und Technik. Graue Reihe des Instituts Arbeit und Technik, Nr. 2000-11

Baumer, Doris / Rehfeld, Dieter / Wompel, Margarete


Beginning in 1994 the North-Rhine-Westphalian State Government initiated and supported cooperation projects that aimed at linking regional and sectoral structural policy. In the course of this program 35 projects had been supported. Based on the study of project documents and additional interviews with regional actors this study presents the result of an evaluation of these 35 projects. The study starts with a look at the formal framework, the regional and sectoral context of the projects and the practice of project management. Further on, four best practice projects are analysed in detail in order to find out what kind of results have been produced. The evaluation results in the formulation of bottlenecks that are typical for this type of projects. To overcome the bottlenecks in a reflexive way by both, program and project managers, the study finally concludes with questions that are meant to improve the quality of project management and to raise the chance to optimise the results.

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