CVTube-Curriculum Video / CVTube

Aim and Task

The “CVTube – Curriculum Video” project, under the European ERASMUS+ programme, aims at giving answers to the urgent need of tackling youth unemployment, which currently affects several European countries strongly. To proceed this main goal of the project, the development of an interactive online platform for young people to directly bring them into contact with potential employers and job offers, is planned. The so-called “CVTube platform” will enable young people to create videos for self-presentation that will be linked to their digitalized CVs. The project supposes, that young people are more likely to convince potential employers with their personality rather than with written CVs, as they often cannot yet show a long impressive biography list, as e.g. elder potential employees. The platform will counteract this disadvantage by opening up a way of addressing employers in a more direct and individual way that emphasizes the impact of charisma and personality. This eventually will raise young people’s chances of making an impression on the employer and will therefore increase their prospects of being hired. The CVTube project focuses on the development of a new tool meant to facilitate the matching of job demand and the job offer for students. Thus, the project addresses and raises the possibilities for a more successful transition from VET to labour markets. The consortium involves 7 organisations from different fields: consultants, ICT experts, education and research experts from 4 European countries.

“CVTube” will contribute by its planned actions to:

Main activities of the project:

Main outputs:

Staff working on the project on the side of IAT:

Ileana Hamburg and Alexandra David;


CVTube Abschlusskonferenz
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