Development of a Training Program for Improving the Wellbeing of Persons with Cerebral Palsy Through Inclusive Feeding and Physical Activity / CP-WELLBEING


Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a motor disorder accompanied by sensory, communication, behavioural, cognitive and perceptual disturbances, affecting movement and posture. 2 to 2.5 per thousand births in Europe have CP (1 per 500 persons = 1,000,000).

CP cannot be cured, but persons can live a full life with proper care and support, improved movements, intellectual development, level of communication and social relationships. The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities ensures the enhancement of the Quality of Life (QoL) of Persons with Disabilities.

Feeding and physical activities are closely linked to the QoL of persons with CP (PCP), especially with their physical and emotional wellbeing.

However, inclusive feeding and physical activities are not fully implemented due to a lack of:

• Awareness and knowledge of parents and professionals about the effectiveness of inclusive feeding techniques from the earliest stages of life

• Feeding ability of many adults with CP who have not been adequately supported in its childhood.

The Erasmus+ project CP-WELLBEING is launched with the main objective of increasing the competences (attitudes, skills, knowledge) of Persons with CP, families and professionals about how to implement inclusive feeding and physical activities with a global wellbeing and QoL approach, through an innovative training program supported by an online training platform.

The project partners are CP- Organisations, education and research institutions from five European countries.


Objective and activities

The project has the specific objectives:



Ileana Hamburg

Gabriela Lütgen

Kira Rosa Grosch
