Project Bright@EU / Bright


The project is in line with two priorities of the Europe 2020 strategy: SMART & INCLUSIVE GROWTH. The priorities shall be supported by empowering young adults in the acquisition of legal skills. By improving their awareness and know-how in different legal schema individuals could develop greater problem solving capabilities, can advocate their interests and gain a sense of self-efficacy. This enables them to better adapt to new conditions, make potential career shifts and be more open to mobility within the European Union. Furthermore, legal training can strengthens their entrepreneurial spirit and civic engagement because they know about related laws and the effectiveness of their actions.


BRIGHT@EU will provide the European educational landscape with an innovative non-academic basic legal training which will enable future participants to

• use of the law and justice mechanisms to expand access to public goods and services or to reduce marginalisation and inequality

• understand by which national and EU laws they are affected and which rights and duties they have

• autonomously read and understand basic legal texts (e.g. contracts, constitutions, judgments, will, etc.)

Such competences and skills have economic and social benefits:

• Legal knowledge is a transversal skill that many businesses and political/civil organisations seek in their employees.

• Greater work mobility on the European job market due to knowledge of labour, commercial and social laws in different EU states.

• Positive impact on society because more citizens are knowledgeable in legal issues and can estimate legal consequences of political/economic decisions, thus making informed decisions as voters.

• Expanded scope of action of European citizens by gaining an understanding of legislative principles and encouragement of greater interaction with European institutions and citizen initiatives.


Stakeholders for the implementation and dissemination of BRIGHT@EU

• national Employment Service

• national Recruitment Agencies

• national further education institutions as well as welfare institutions with labour and social policy objectives

PROJECT PARTNERS come from 4 European countries Czech Republic, Germany, Cyprus and Spain, work in different aria and have complementary competences.

