Training Disabled People Through ICT Solutions / TRAINDIPICTS


The main problems disabled persons face in their desire to work and to be socially included are:


ICT solutions and tools seems thus to be able to best address some of the above issues and could thus contribute to further and improved inclusion of children and adults with intellectual and development deficiencies. TRAINDIPICTS partners will study the current state of use of ICT solutions in the process of training disabled people and make a selection of the ones which have given best results in terms of quality and optimization of resources. Through a first feedback about the use of ICT solutions coming from our target groups, we’ll elaborate a preliminary plan for being developed in future projects.
TRAINDIPICTS aims to improve the employability of the wider disabled people community by promoting the use of the most advanced and innovative ICT processes. TRAINDIPICTS will contribute to stimulate all actors involved in the training process intensifying the use of resources (offer and demand) by disseminating the final products and results of the project to policy makers, local and regional public bodies, universities, small training centers, associations of disabled people and to those working on the frame of training disabled people. The main objective of the project is to identify best ICT training solutions designed for improving the employability skills of disabled people in the labour market.

Concrete objectives and approach

The concrete objectives are:


The project thus intend to address the challenges of labour inclusion of people with any kind of disability by focusing on e-learning and ICT solutions as two potential tools which will help them to overcome these challenges and improve their labour inclusion.

The project approach can be summarized as a gathering of main stakeholders working on different levels of training disabled people through ICT solutions. Given that the partnerships is made up by local authorities, public universities, technological centers, Vocational Technical Schools, Small and Medium Enterprises for profit (SME) focused on ICT services and NGOs working with final users; the mixing of such different points of view will provide the project with added value coming from the combination of different stakeholders of the whole training process for people with disabilities through ICT solutions.