Health Care Export in the Health Economy / iVET4HealthDubai

The goal of the BMBFs program for the export of education is to promote the internationalization of vocational educational training. Within this program, especially the project iVET4Health aims to develop international propositions in nursing education to spread skills and improve care services, which already exist in Germany and could be offered internationally as outstanding and compatible solutions. Within the project conditions of international training opportunities will be analyzed and the implementation of propositions will be tested.

Problems with the international connectivity of the German VET system exist in many areas. The Anglo-Saxon concept of the Bachelor system is much more dominant in the health sector and the more practical German (nursing) training is not that much appreciated. This circumstance is different in the health sector when offering vocational education programs as part of the supply structures planned by medical societies. In this case propositions from the Federal Republic of Germany have a high international recognition and the training opportunities can be supportive to establish care services systematically. This applies for example for Stroke Nurses, Diabetes Nurse, Oncology Nurses et cetera.

Against this background the iVET4Health project is developing a blended learning concept for the education of Stroke Nurses in the Gulf region. The concept consists of a three-day attendance period in the target region, a comprehensive e-learning phase and a two-week internship in a German stroke unit.

Starting point for the qualification propositions in the Gulf region was the establishment of a stroke unit, which should be supported by a vocational educational training. An analysis of the demand has shown that either only low-skilled nurses are available in the region or nurses with a bachelor's degree but without special expertise in stroke care, which is necessary to run a stroke unit. The establishment of stroke services in the Gulf region follows criteria according to the European Stroke Organization (ESO). This includes the training of stroke nurses, who will be part of interdisciplinary stroke teams and take over an important role in stroke treatment.