Innovation in the Acquisition of Basic Competences / BASIC COMPETENCES


Knowing how to solve maths operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are no longer enough to pass a maths exam successfully. If someone is not able to apply this knowledge daily life, he or she will not have achieved one of the basic competences and objectives in the curriculum of this subject and therefore can not pass.
The aim of this project is to elaborate a guide about and evaluation system and an acquisition framework for eight basic competences that every person should have in daily life and work, focussing in disadvantaged young people and VET students.
The specific objectives, as set out Leonardo da Vinci programme decision are: to contribute to increased participation in lifelong learning by people of all ages, including those with special needs and disadvantaged groups…
The objectives of this Project are the evaluation and the achievement of:


This partnership will involve users, specially VET students always by taking into account their personal needs. The development of training modules for the users will create a network which can inspire others and this will also contribute to make users more autonomous and confident. Since the project includes citizens from different cultures, teachers and educators who are interested in these themes will have a chance to improve their level of knowledge. The participants will be given the opportunity to enhance their language competences in the meetings as well.
An International Seminar will be organized for tutors and learners so that they can share findings and good practice.
Tutors will be able to introduce their new methods to improve education, learners will evaluate the process and changes and tutors will then evaluate the impact.
The users’ self-assessment will be integral to the creation of the “defining factors”, which will be discussed on the first meeting. The issue of accreditation and certification will be an essential part of the initial research of the users’ aims and reasons for remaining in the project.