Integrative care of people with disabilities / IBB2


People with disabilities are like other employees; they want to have a vocational training of high quality, they want to do a job they like, manage challenges in their job and want to get ahead but this is not always possible.
The rationale of and the background to the IBB 2 project can be found in the Commission Disability Strategy and the Disability Action Plan 2008-2009. Since 2003 the Commission Disability Strategy has followed the aim of making equal opportunities a reality for all persons with disabilities. The EC Disability Action Plan 2008-2009 focuses on increasing accessibility to the open labour market for persons with disabilities. 
The consortium of this project with organisations from Austria, Belgium, Germany, Poland and Spain wanted to promote a sustainable integration of people with disabilities in a non- traditional job market. By transferring a mentoring model from another former Leonardo da Vinci project called VOCA2 to Austria, the consortium wanted to enhance the Integrative Vocational Training for Disability Care workers with a mentoring model and focus on the work place of a disability care worker with disabilities. 
The current IBB 2 which is a follower of IBB (2003-2006) wanted to offer and open new and sustainable paths to the job market to people with disabilities. The project is herewith relevant for the objectives of the vocational European programme Leonadro da Vinci , its priorities and horizontal issues.

Main activities of the project

  1. Doing experts groundwork in order to analyse the needs of trained people with disabilities in their first certain employment phase and to analyse the needs of employers and colleagues.
  2. Transferring a mentor training model from a LdV project. Adaptation of the model based on the expert’s groundwork and publishing the model in a project compilation.
  3. Developing skills of trainers in the field of mentoring people with disabilities in a non traditional working sector within a first test phase in AT, DE, ES, and PL
  4. Multiplication of the mentoring programme within different working fields and among interested persons within a second test phase in AT, DE, ES, and PL
  5. Development of transferability guidelines for each partner country on the background of the legal situation in each country to guarantee sustainability of the project.
  6. Collection of experiences within an on the job educational process tested in AT and DE.
  7. Availability of the products in EN, DE, ES, and PL
  8. European wide dissemination of the project and organising a seminar for professionals working in the disability, social and health sector, vocational training centres, employers and authorities.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.



This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.