Dialog with EU - The voices of the European citizien / DIA-EU

Problem and Objectives

The European Union and its institutions are perceived differently by European citizen. Although the European institutions are open to dialog with its citizens, the later do not interact at this level especially due to the lack of information and encouragement in this sense.
Results of previous European projects show the willingness of citizen to know the new challenges that are at the basis of the European policies as well as the future of the EU.

The project aims thus at empowering citizen with the necessary knowledge and civic competences to express their opinions on issues like the European integration process or the EU policies and their impact by involving them in a series of activities. They learn particularly by using informal methods and IT-based learning procedures what mechanisms the EU makes available for them to give their opinions (forums – face to face and on-line, opinion polls, etc).

This will be achieved by national seminars in partner countries, national and international conferences that will be organised throughout the one year duration of the project.

In order to become a practical reality citizen’s discussions they will have as sources examples. 
The project will involve ordinary citizens from different social, professional and demographic backgrounds. Special attention will be paid to individual and collective opinion building.
