January 2025
- Belongingness: The Role of Dis-/Connectedness in Migrant and Refugee Entrepreneurial
Journeys Across Local and Transnational Ecosystems
Veranstaltung: Metropolis Conference
Veranstalter: Prof. Jörg Freiling (LEMEX, Uni Bremen), Dr. Judith Terstriep (Institut Arbeit und Technik)
29.01.2025 - 30.01.2025, Krakau
Referenten: Alexandra David, Judith Terstriepmore
- Understanding the nuances of (dis-)connectedness of migrant entrepreneurs within entrepreneurial ecosystems
Veranstaltung: Metropolis Conference
Veranstalter: Dr. Alexandra David and Dr. Judith Terstriep (Institut Arbeit und Technik), Prof. Jörg Freiling (LEMEX, Uni Bremen)
29.01.2025 - 30.01.2025, Krakau
Referenten: Alexandra David, Judith Terstriepmore
- Growing Through Social Innovation: The Power of Numbers
Panel Discussion
Veranstaltung: Growing Through Social Innovation: The Power of Numbers
Veranstalter: University of Kenntucky, Lexington, KX, US
06.02.2025, online
Referent/in: Judith Terstriepmore