Between fear, scepticism and denial: what do we know about people with vaccination reservations in the Covid 19 pandemic?

10:00 - 13:00 Uhr

In February 2022, 75 percent of the population in Germany will have been vaccinated against the Covid-19 virus. The following applies here: the more people who are vaccinated, the more likely it is that the spread of the virus will be limited. Model calculations assume that a target vaccination rate of at least 85 percent must be achieved. But why do some people not get vaccinated? This question has been investigated by the Institute for Work and Technology (IAT/Westphalian University of Applied Sciences) as part of a study on the attitude of the population towards the Corona measures. The results will be discussed in an exchange between science and practice at an online event on 10 March 2022 (10 am - 12 pm).

In the IAT study, reasons for refusing vaccination were evaluated. It shows that the reasons are complex: They range from a simple fear of side effects to conspiracy theory-based arguments. In the context of the fight against the pandemic, the question now arises whether it is possible to find ways to convince some of those who refuse vaccination to do so?

The aim of the event is on the one hand to enter into an exchange process of scientific findings from different disciplines, and on the other hand to transfer these findings into solution strategies together with practitioners. The event is aimed at scientists, representatives from municipalities and health institutions, but also interested citizens. In addition to the IAT study, research results from the Ruhr University Bochum and the University of Kassel, among others, will be discussed with actors from the field.


Moderation: Prof. Dr. Josef Hilbert (NDGR) & Dr. Peter Enste (IAT)

Results from the scientific community will be presented by

  • Dr. Peter Enste, Jenny Wielga, Institut Arbeit und Technik
  • Nora Schmid-Küpke, Robert Koch-Institut
  • Elke D. Groh – Universität Kassel
  • PD Dr. Julia Brailovskaia, Ruhr Universität Bochum


Reports and discussions from the field will include:

  • Mustafa Cetinkaya, Integrationsbeauftragter der Stadt Gelsenkirchen
  • Anna Kavena - Mitglied des Ruhrparlaments
  • Dr. Olaf Müller, Carus Consilium Sachsen
  • Thorsten Padberg, Psychologischer Psychotherapeut Berlin
  • Dr. Frank Renken, Gesundheitsamt Dortmund
  • Helmut Wallrafen - Sozial Holding der Stadt Mönchengladbach
  • Prof. Dr. Hajo Zeeb, Leibniz-Institut für Präventionsforschung und Epidemiologie Bremen


The Conference will be held in German Language

You can already register for the event using the registration form, a programme will follow shortly.

Logoleiste IAT, Medecon Ruhe und Netzwerk Deutsche Gesundheitsregion