Aktuelle Vorträge und Medienpräsenzen von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler des IATs
Analysing and Reporting on the Implementation of Electronic Learning in Europe
- Shifting e-Learning in SMEs to a Work-based and Business Oriented Topic
Veranstaltung: New learning 2.0? Emerging digital territories - developing continuities - new divides. EDEN annual conference 2007
Veranstalter: European Distance and E-Learning Network
13.06.2007, Naples, Città della Scienza
Referent/in: Ileana Hamburg - Improving collaboration and participation in E-Learning for SMEs by suitable models supported by virtual learning environments
Veranstaltung: Moodlekonferenz 2007
Veranstalter: Universität Duisburg-Essen
28.03.2007, Duisburg, Universität
Referent/in: Ileana Hamburg - Supporting e-business in European SMEs by e-competence and e-learning
Veranstaltung: G.O.R. 07 - General Online Research
26.03.2007, Leipzig, Universität
Referent/in: Ileana Hamburg - Competency-based training in SMEs: the role of e-learning and e-competence
Veranstaltung: Web-based Education - WBE 2007
14.03.2007, Chamonix
Referent/in: Ileana Hamburg