Dr. Judith Terstriep
Jahr | Titel / Zitation | Dokumententyp | Links / Downloads |
2003 | 2003: Potenzial und Rolle von Learning Communities: eLearning mit i-discussZitation: Engert, S. & Terstriep, J. (2003): Potenzial und Rolle von Learning Communities: eLearning mit i-discuss. In Engert, S. & Hamburg, I. (Hrsg.), IT-basierte Lernformen für die betriebliche Weiterbildung (65-81). Gelsenkirchen: Institut Arbeit und Technik. | Dokumententyp: Beitrag in | Links / Downloads: |
2003 | 2003: Qualifikatorische Konsequenzen des E-Learning in CommunitiesZitation: Engert, S. & Terstriep, J. (2003): Qualifikatorische Konsequenzen des E-Learning in Communities. In Beyer, L., Frick, D., Gadatsch, A, Maucher, I. & Paul, H. (Hrsg.), Vom E-Business zur E-Society: New Economy im Wandel (249-273 ). München: Hampp. | Dokumententyp: Beitrag in | Links / Downloads: |
2002 | 2002: User determined issues in e-learning programs and environmentsZitation: Engert, S., Hamburg, I. & Terstriep, J. (2002): User determined issues in e-learning programs and environments. In E-Comm-Line 2002: 3rd European Conference on E-Commerce, E-Activities, E-Working, E-Business, E-Learning, E-Health, On-line Services, Virtual Institutes, and their Influences on the Economic and Social Environment, september 26-27, 2002, Bucharest, Romania (95-99). Bucharest: IPA SA, R & D Inst. for Automation. | Dokumententyp: Beitrag in | Links / Downloads: |
2002 | 2002: Web-based services for economic development agencyZitation: Gärtner, S. & Terstriep, J. (2002): Web-based services for economic development agency. In E-Comm-Line 2002: 3rd European Conference on E-Commerce, E-Activities, E-Working, E-Business, E-Learning, E-Health, On-line Services, Virtual Institutes, and their Influences on the Economic and Social Environment, september 26-27, 2002, Bucharest, Romania (100-105). Bucharest: IPA SA, R & D Inst. for Automation. | Dokumententyp: Beitrag in | Links / Downloads: |
2000 | 2000: An example of supporting knowledge acquisition through telelearning communitiesZitation: Engert, S., Hamburg, I. & Terstriep, J. (2000): An example of supporting knowledge acquisition through telelearning communities. In Sintes 10, International Symposium on Systems Theory, Automation, Robotics, Computers, Informatics, Electronic and Instrumentation (C/1-C/4). Craiova: Univ. of Craiova, Automation, Computers & Electronics Faculty, Inst. of Research and Design in Automation. | Dokumententyp: Beitrag in | Links / Downloads: |
2000 | 2000: Supporting continuous learning in manufacturing companies by cooperative web-based learningZitation: Engert, S., Hamburg, I. & Terstriep, J. (2000): Supporting continuous learning in manufacturing companies by cooperative web-based learning. In 4th International Conference on Engineering Design and Automation (EDA 2000), july 30 - august 2, 2000, Orlando, Florida, USA (633-638). Goshen, KY: Integrated Technology Systems. | Dokumententyp: Beitrag in | Links / Downloads: |
2000 | 2000: Telelernen - Lernen für und mit Internet-Technologien: das Beispiel FrauTelNetZitation: Engert, S., Hamburg, I. & Terstriep, J. (2000): Telelernen - Lernen für und mit Internet-Technologien: das Beispiel FrauTelNet. In Fachhochsch., Koordinierungsstelle der Initiative Frauen geben Technik neue Impulse, Frauen in der Informationsgesellschaft; Internationale Konferenz im Rahmen der deutschen EU-Präsidentschaft: Dokumentation der Konferenz vom 17. April 1999 in Düsseldorf (130-134). Bielefeld. | Dokumententyp: Beitrag in | Links / Downloads: |
2000 | 2000: Web based training: experience with a German projectZitation: Engert, S., Hamburg, I. & Terstriep, J. (2000): Web based training: experience with a German project. In i3 Spring Days 2000: Workshop 6: Supporting learning communities in education, Athens, march 1-3, 2000. Sankt Augustin: German National Research Centre for Information Technology (GMD). | Dokumententyp: Beitrag in | Links / Downloads: |